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Simple Swaps: Recipes for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Published on 
March 18, 2025
November 13, 2018
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Ask Theresa: An advice column

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy the company of friends and family and be thankful for our time together. There may be many temptations to overeat or eat high carb foods.

Certain foods can be yearly traditions for us. For some, it doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving without a bowl of mashed potatoes! But instead of cutting out these favorites that remind us of past Thanksgivings, try making a healthier version of an old favorite.

Below you will find tips for making healthier, low carb swaps for Thanksgiving classics.

#1. Swap starches for healthier alternatives

Try mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes.

Mashed cauliflower with garlic and chives recipe

Try roasted radishes instead of roast potatoes.

Parmesan Roasted Radishes

Try a pumpkin casserole instead of sweet potatoes.

Savory pumpkin casserole

Try low carb dinner rolls instead of white bread rolls.

Low carb dinner rolls recipe

Try cauliflower rice instead of regular rice. You can usually find pre-riced cauliflower in the frozen section of the grocery store!

#2. Switch to sugar alternatives for your favorite Thanksgiving sweets and desserts

Low carb pecan pie recipe
Low carb pumpkin pie recipe
Pecan pie cheesecake recipe
Cranberry sauce recipe

#3. Make some savory Thanksgiving classics that don’t require sugar or lots of carbs or starches

Roasted brussels sprouts recipe
Green bean casserole recipe
Garlic parmesan cream sauce recipe

In addition, try drinking a glass of water before the start of your meal to help prevent you from eating more than makes you feel satisfied. Eat slowly, converse, and enjoy the moment. Eating slowly gives your body time to signal to the brain that it is satisfied.

Keep in mind, the focus of Thanksgiving is enjoying time with friends and family. Even with the best of intentions, we may end up eating unhealthy foods or eating more than we intended. Give yourself grace and know that you can continue to vote for your health at the very next meal. Bad eating choices happen, but they do not define you!

This blog is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or any advice relating to your health. View full disclaimer

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