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Thanks to Virta, I’ve changed the ending of my book

Published on 
May 16, 2023
March 18, 2025

By Kristina, on Virta for 11 months

What do you remember about being 25? For me, 25 is the age I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My diagnosis came while I was working full-time and was the primary caregiver for my parents who were both battling cancer. 

My A1c was dangerously high at 10.4%. My weight was the highest it had ever been, and I had high blood pressure. I was under incredible stress balancing my parents’ appointments, medications, and bills, all the while commuting an hour back and forth for work. My own life and health took a backseat.

As other caregivers may be able to relate, it can be hard to take care of yourself while also taking care of others. 

After five years of balancing this, the company I worked for shut down the same week my dad passed away. And then within a year, my mom passed away as well. While facing unemployment and grief, I lost 30 pounds by going to the gym but gained half of that back.

Fast forward to 2022 when a friend asked, “If you could have anything you wanted to be happy, what would your life look like?” My answer was that I wanted to get my health in order, get the promotion I had been working hard for, and get my MBA. The universe works in funny ways because a month after that conversation, a Registered Nurse from Anthem called me to tell me about Virta Health, a new benefit the company was offering for those with type 2 diabetes. I learned that Virta could help me lower my A1c and weight, which was exactly what I wanted to do.

When I had my enrollment consultation with Virta, I could tell that my enrollment advisor was so passionate about this program. He shared that he’s enrolled in it himself and was excited for me to see the same benefits he had seen.  After enrollment, I met my health coach and have been working closely with her to identify meals that I liked and form a routine. I started seeing changes almost immediately. 

Kristina before (left) and after (right) 11 months on Virta

In just a few months, my A1c came down to a controlled level of 5.5% and I lost 65 pounds. My cholesterol levels improved, and my BMI is in the normal range — something that I haven't seen since I was a teenager. I am the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been. 

As a testament to my success, I was invited to share my story at a Virta company meeting. I told them how thankful I am for everything they have done for me. My success was the result of their hard work, research, and passion. There were 330 people listening to me that day, and it filled my heart to see their eyes beaming, their genuine smiles, jaws dropping — and topped off with a standing ovation. They called me a motivational speaker and I said that I’m inspired by them, too.

Kristina for her MBA school picture (May 2023)

Since answering my friend's question about happiness, my life has transformed so much. I am healthier, received a promotion, started my MBA program, and am in the high-potential talent pool at work. Years ago, when I first got my diabetes diagnosis at 25, I thought my life would be controlled by it. But now, Virta and Raytheon Technologies are the co-pilots to help change the trajectory of my life. For others who may be struggling and feeling like there is nothing you can do, I would encourage you to consider Virta. You can still change the ending of your story for one with a brighter future. One chapter doesn’t have to define the rest of your book.

Icon: Envelope with card coming out, featuring Virta spark on the front

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