Search Results

Getting Off of My Expensive Diabetes Medications. Published on. August 7, 2018. By Glenne, a Virta patient. Four years ago, I learned that I had type 2 diabetes.…

Diagnosed at 17 and finally getting off of my diabetes medications. Published on. July 11, 2018. By Matt J, a Virta patient. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2000 when I was 17 years old.…

Veteran Mark beat fatty liver and got off 3 medications on Virta. Published on. August 1, 2019. Veterans interested in learning more about our partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can visit our.…

Before Virta, I was taking seven prescription medications every day. I was dealing with joint pain constantly. I had trouble standing to lead worship services and bible study. I felt my life was a mess.…

Weight gain after stopping Ozempic and other GLP-1 medications is quite common. In fact, one. study. showed that people who discontinued Wegovy (another GLP-1) regained 65% of the weight they had lost within less than a year.…

Art saves $550 each month by getting off expensive diabetes medications with Virta. Published on. September 28, 2021. By Art, on Virta for 4 months.…

After her successes on Virta, Laura never wants to go back to a life of diabetes medications. Published on. September 24, 2021. By Laura, on Virta for 3 months. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 2014.…
U-Haul Team Members Enrolled with Virta Health Eliminate Over One-Third of Diabetes Medications in Just 90 Days. Published on. September 8, 2022.…

He then told me that my blood sugar was extremely high, and I needed to look into medications and additional care immediately. Imagine my surprise when I went into the ER with AFib, but left with a brand new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.…
Across all neighborhood socioeconomic conditions, Virta members achieved significant reductions in blood sugar while eliminating diabetes medications like insulin. Virta Health, the leader in type 2 diabetes reversal, released real-world data at the.…