Help your patients transform their lives

Virta is a different approach to type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and weight loss

Our physicians, nurse practitioners, and health coaches deliver medically-supervised, individualized carbohydrate restriction via our custom app. Care is available 7 days a week, enabling our patients to lose weight, normalize blood sugar, and require fewer medications.
"The outcomes are truly a cut above everything else we've seen."
Dr. Robert Groves, Chief Medical Officer, Banner|Aetna

Type 2 Diabetes

We help patients lower blood sugar while requiring fewer (or no) medications.


Our virtual clinic helps patients stop diabetes in its tracks.

Weight Loss

Provider-led and coach supported care keeps patients on track without counting calories.

Transformative outcomes that last

Our members experience results quickly, often in a matter of weeks, and results last.¹

Average Weight Loss

Our members experience weight loss similar to that delivered by current weight-loss drugs

Medicaton Reduction

Fewer diabetes medications is a game-changer, inspiring members to re-imagine their future

HbA1c Reduction

Medication reduction occurs simultaneously with blood sugar improvement

Virta is a trusted extension of your practice

Virta helps patients safely and sustainably lower HbA1c, reduce medications, and lose weight, while making it easier for you to do the work you love.

Reduction of your workload

Virta takes on the complexities of metabolic care, freeing you to address other pressing issues in your practice

Patient safety and monitoring

Virta’s continuous monitoring allows us to track patient health and appropriately deprescribe medications when needed

Communication and reporting

Virta stays in touch on relevant patient milestones and health changes
Woman in doctor's coat typing at a computer.

Virta helps your patients reverse metabolic disease, not just manage it

Virta providers act as diabetes and obesity specialists, additive to your role as the member’s primary care physician. Our providers work closely with your patients to ensure that they can achieve their best health, by monitoring their biomarkers, counseling them on their metabolic health, and deprescribing diabetes medications when it’s safe and appropriate to do so. 

We keep you informed of changes to your patient’s medication regimens and are here to answer any questions you may have on our care. 

Check out these resources to learn more about Virta and how we can deliver transformative outcomes for your patients.

More information on Virta for Providers

Download Provider FAQ (PDF)

Who is Virta Health?

What is Diabetes Reversal?

How does Virta work?

Provider Relations at Virta

Virta's Research and Clinical Outcomes

Reversal is life-changing. Our members say it best.

** These slides will be converted to a slideshow on the live site. **
Linda, Virta Member

Linda lost 65 pounds and celebrated new victories

“For decades, I had tried everything to lose weight. Bariatric surgery was next—I had even signed up for the procedure. Then I found out about Virta. Since then, I’ve lost 65 pounds, while reducing my medications. I can finally fit comfortably behind the steering wheel in my car and put the tray table down on an airplane. It feels like a miracle.”

Leading the way in research of chronic metabolic conditions

Virta Health is committed to improving patient health outcomes through evidence and research. Our landmark 5-year clinical trial and real-world evidence have advanced our understanding of chronic metabolic conditions, and provided a foundation to inform clinicians and patients in their care decisions.

Doctor sharing information with her patient
Citations and Footnotes
  1. Hallberg SJ, McKenzie AL, Williams P, et al. Effectiveness and Safety of a Novel Care Model for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes at One Year: An Open Label, Non-Randomized, Controlled Study. Diabetes Ther. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s13300-018-0373-9. Medication and weight loss is for people living with type 2 diabetes and completing 1 year. Medication reduction refers to diabetes prescriptions eliminated, excluding metformin.