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¿Debo contar los carbohidratos netos o los totales?

El Dr. Stephen Phinney y el equipo Virta‍

Recomendamos contar el total de hidratos de carbono, y que la mayor parte de la comida proceda de alimentos reales e integrales.

With some exceptions, unprocessed non-starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds contain a relatively small (<25%) of their total carbs as soluble fiber. The use of net carbs 1) assumes there is little to no impact of both fiber and sugar alcohols on blood sugar (responses can vary among individuals so discounting them is not appropriate) and 2) often promotes the use of a lot of products like bars, low carb breads, etc. While they may be “low in net carbs” this can lead to a significant amount of added carbohydrates to your daily total.

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