The Secret to Lowering Cholesterol Naturally
Writing about wellness for a living can sometimes give me the false illusion that I’m in better shape than I am. So when my doctor told me my LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) was high and suggested considering medication—it took a stressful moment for my brain to catch up with my mouth. High cholesterol and blood pressure run on both sides of my family, so I knew they might catch up to me eventually. I wasn’t surprised exactly, more in denial.
“Isn’t there something else I can try?” I asked my doctor. I wasn’t ready to say yes to medicine without trying other options first.
To her credit, my doctor isn’t one of those pushy types who tells you what to do. Sensing my hesitance, she suggested I try certain diet and lifestyle adjustments, then return in six months for another blood test to reassess.
Leaving the Greenwich Village office that humid summer afternoon, I felt like I was at a health crossroads. I always function better with a deadline, and I was eager to put my beliefs to the test. The tips I learned over the next six months not only got my cholesterol levels where I wanted them, but I think are helpful to anyone seeking to lead a healthier lifestyle without feeling deprived or sacrificing taste.
Prioritize Good Fats
The first thing I learned after being diagnosed with high cholesterol was to be a label detective. Every time I picked something up at the grocery store, my inner Nancy Drew kicked in. Silently I asked myself, “Is this good for me? Or will it raise my cholesterol?”
According to research, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats with Omega 3s and 6s may lower bad cholesterol, and raise the heart-protective kind (HDL). That meant oils like olive, almond, and avocado became my new best friends, along with salmon and certain nuts and seeds. To determine fat content, I scanned total fat on food labels and subtracted the saturated number—what’s left is heart-healthy fat. For instance, a quarter cup of cashews has roughly 13 grams total, but only 2.5 saturated, leaving 10.5 grams of the good stuff.
My creative good fat additions included things like a scoop of avocado atop eggs, salads, and fish. These new tastes and textures were so satisfying I soon began craving them. And although I was eating generous portions, I was surprised to discover my clothing was getting loose.
Every time I picked something up at the grocery store, my inner Nancy Drew kicked in. Silently I asked myself, “Is this good for me? Or will it raise my cholesterol?”
Snack Creatively and Often
I love the magical way pale blue Mason jars reflect light in my kitchen—perfect for my new healthy snack mix. A base of almonds and pumpkin seeds, smaller amounts of walnuts, raisins, and an optional handful of chocolate chips. For variety, I’d add raw cashews and pistachios—sprinkle cinnamon or raw cacao in the mix. I’d munch on a handful, instead of empty calories. It also adds a nutrition boost to plain yogurt. Never boring, the mix upped my healthy fats and protein. The best part was it gave me energy without a corresponding sugar crash.
Take Mind-Body Breaks
Exercise is important for heart health so after being told I had high cholesterol, I wanted to keep my body moving without going to a gym. Research on micro habits found one of the biggest challenges in daily life is “being able to dynamically shift between habitual and goal-directed strategies.” So I committed to one round per day of a yoga Sun Salute—12 flowing poses linked to the breath. After warming up, each movement initiated a cascade of motion that I found incredibly energizing. Depending on my mood, I’ll also add variations, a standing pose, or extra round.
Seeking balance, I chose walking as my aerobic activity for its science-based mental and physical wellbeing benefits. Once a day, while heading to Central Park I’ll explore alternative routes in my Upper East Side neighborhood with a healthy snack bag in tow.
Journeying through the park, I’ll slow my pace, and try to attune to the present moment. I might feed a peanut to an inquisitive squirrel, or listen to a singer cover Sarah Mclachlan “Angel” by the boat pond as children blew iridescent bubbles bigger than themselves. Once on my walk home, I even stopped to rescue a baby duckling loose on Park Avenue, but that’s another story.
A year and a half after being first told I had high LDL, my cholesterol numbers have plummeted 36 points...
A year and a half after being first told I had high LDL, my cholesterol numbers have plummeted 36 points—my doctor told me to continue my habits, and for now medication is off the table. As an unexpected bonus, embracing good fats and exercise resulted in shedding roughly ten pounds and going down a clothing size. Most surprising of all, though, was the feeling of contentment I have experienced with my new habits. By living more actively, and taking better care of what I eat, the process showed me firsthand how meaningful small actions can be.
This publication is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or any advice relating to your health. View full disclaimer